Women learn about each other’s faiths
The 4th annual QFCC Women of Faith dinner on 8 September 2020 was held via Zoom (due to COVID-19 restrictions). 33 women from ten diverse faith communities came together to listen to a presentation and then share their own experiences in virtual break-out rooms.
This year our guest speaker was from the Gold Coast Baha’i Community who spoke on how her Baha’i faith impacted her life, from the religious persecution which pushed her to leave her native Iran, to her efforts in Australia to promote moral education for children and community development.
We then broke into 6 facilitated small group discussions to get to know each other and share our own perspectives. Participants were so engaged that when the scheduled half an hour was up, they asked for extra time to continue the discussions.
It was a very friendly, happy, and interesting evening (as always).
Many thanks to those who made this event possible, including the QFCC executive, the group facilitators, and our tech expert.
Watch the video.