Welcome to the Queensland Faith Communities Council
Our mission in the advancement of interfaith understanding, is to promote dialogue that enhances our understanding of shared values as a way of developing respect for our diversity.
We achieve this through publicly promoting the advancement of interfaith relations and by working together through education, guidance and example. We aim to support positive outcomes of religious freedom, social justice, inclusivity and diversity.
Queensland Faith Communities Council (the Council) was launched on 23 May 2017 after months of discussion and consultation between leaders and representatives of different faith communities in Queensland.
At the launch meeting, 15 faith communities became the foundation members of the Council. Since then we have gained more members. We seek to advance interfaith understanding and collaboration and to make a positive contribution within the broader Queensland community. The establishment of the Council recognises the diversity of religious and faith beliefs and traditions in the state of Queensland. It embraces the whole state (not just the more populous south-east corner).
Membership is open to any religious or faith/belief group in Queensland that is interested in multi-faith activities. Those seeking membership need to demonstrate support for the vision, mission and Code of Conduct of the Council.
Please look through the various pages of our website. More information continues to be added, so you are invited to keep visiting us for up-to-date information on the activities of the Council and the resources we are preparing.
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope it adds to your understanding of the different faith traditions that are found in Queensland. We encourage conversation in the wider state community with and about people of various faiths and how they contribute to the betterment of society.